About artist Ingela Johansson

A photo of artist Ingela Johansson with her midsummer painting on an easel in the forest

Artist Statement:

Color, intuitive curiosity, and emotions are key drivers behind my art.
My art is about finding the power in your own emotions, by letting them all be painted. In particular how these relate to our sensuality, dreams, and desires, and our freedom to express these without societal taboos or judgment.
Creating distorted, dream-like representations of this untethered energy, either in figurative or pure abstract form. Painted from meditation with music in nature.
Exploring and celebrating the various emotional and energetic states that can coexist...strong and vulnerable, innocent and guilty, wholesome and suggestive, liberated and oppressed.

Ultimately my work is about freedom and empowerment.
I use a multi-disciplinary approach to creating and choosing textures and materials that evoke certain sensory responses; luscious color combinations, stains of coffee or ink, torn papers, crayons,s and charcoal.
The end result is colorful, uplifting artwork that honors women; the parts of us that are broken or raw, the parts that are whole, and most of all the parts that seek to be wild and free.

Artist Ingela Johansson painting in the studio

Art from the heart by Ingela Johansson

I love to paint, and I have been painting for as long as I can remember, for me creativity and curiosity was a protection growing up and it gave me a colorful world filled with possibilties.

Painting and writing poetry became my way of trying to make sense of the world growing up.

Artist Ingela Johansson painting as a child

I have been creative in one form or another since then, but it was not until 2014 where I really started to dare to become a fine artist.

It took me even longer to say out loud that I was an artist, although I had so far had exhibitions in both galleries and museums in nine countries.

Artist Ingela Johansson with the painting Monk at Louis Vuition

I lived and worked as an artsist in South East Asia for 7 years.

In 2018 I had a large solo exhibition in Singapore with my monk paintings, I also had an emerging artist award from Dubai, and got awarded an art scholarship from my hometown Karlstad in Sweden.

Artist Ingela Johansson with painting in summer studio Sweden

Moving back to Sweden meant reconnecting with nature and in the summer I paint outside as much as possible by the lake Vänern.

Emerging in colorful work filled with emotions, I call them art from the heart.

Artist talk by Ingela Johansson at Gallery Lienhart, Stockholm

Today I have exhibitions mainly in Sweden and Norway. Above is a photo from Gallery Lienhart in Stockholm during an artist talk.

I am represented in Hong Kong by Betty Ashman.

If you are curious to see more I have a short video about My Story as an artist.